Ankorstore /  Bianca Gift Maison

Bianca Gift Maison

Spedisce gli ordini entro 3 e 5 giorni

Minimo 100 €

Tutti i brand in un unico check-out minimo di 300,00 € e sempre con spedizione gratuita

  • Fondata nel 2020
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The most affordable European brand of wholesale gifts, Christmas ornaments and home decor items.

A wide online assortment of products selected based on the needs of our professional customers: florists, tobacconists, window dressers, retailers, and merchants in general. Products that are carefully selected and checked with particular attention to detail, always aiming for the best quality/price ratio.

A qualified and automated corporate organization are fundamental points on which we have always based ourselves to achieve a single goal: the satisfaction of our customers.

Experience, renewal and dedication to our customers make Bianca Gift Maison a leading company among wholesale gift item suppliers, providing a fast, secure, and reliable service throughout Europe.