Ankorstore /  Prodotti per l'uomo /  ERNESI 1978 /  The Supernutrient Cream
The Supernutrient Cream

The Supernutrient Cream

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION/FUNCTION: The number 1, the ERNESI 1978 jewel holding the top of the podium of the bestsellers year after year. The formula that had attracted both mature and young for its potent texture: a bomb of collagen good for any age. Appreciated by the more mature for visibly reducing the appearance of wrinkles and by the younger for its natural radiance effect. The Supernutrient Cream provides a profound hydration and a firmer skin. Specifically designed to nourish, tighten, and reduce signs of skin aging, while giving a smoother, brighter, and glowing appearance. Its performance reaches its highest when applied after cleansing. HOW TO USE: Apply onto a cleansed face and neck. Gently massage in circular motions until fully absorbed. Use morning and evening. Ideal also for overnight leave on to let the skin most benefit all its nutrients. The combined use of The Supernutrient Cream during a recommended three-month treatment of CollagenC+ represents the new frontier of an overall skin rejuvenation.

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