Ankorstore /  Maternità /  Gioielli dop /  Boule Necklace 100cm with Bellybell Charm in Sterling Silver
Boule Necklace 100cm with Bellybell Charm in Sterling Silver
Gioielli dop

Boule Necklace 100cm with Bellybell Charm in Sterling Silver

The 100 cm Boule Necklace with Bellybell Charm is the ideal gift for future mothers. There are many legends related to this special gift for the happy event but, among the most truthful, it seems that there are all those related to the protection of motherhood and life carried in the womb. It is certainly a very ancient custom, lucky charm and has evolved over time. In the West, it has turned into a Silver Pendant with a necklace, long enough to allow it to rest between the navel and the breast of the future mother. This position allows the fetus to listen to the sweet and magical sound of the Bell, which follows the mothers movements. Cotton Cording to tradition it helps to "cradle" the unborn child and has a relaxing effect on the future mother as well. Discover Bells Pendants, all lucky jewels and choose your favorites. Gioielli DOP is an authentic expression of Italian creativity and know-how. All the jewels are 100% Made in Italy, handmade according to traditional craftsmanship by Tuscan goldsmiths.

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