Ankorstore /  Braccialetti & Cavigliere /  Gioielli dop /  Cotton Cord Bracelet with Venetian Gondola Charm in Sterling Silver and Enamel
Cotton Cord Bracelet with Venetian Gondola Charm in Sterling Silver and Enamel
Gioielli dop

Cotton Cord Bracelet with Venetian Gondola Charm in Sterling Silver and Enamel

The Cotton Cord Bracelet with Venetian gondola charm is a tribute to the universal symbol of the city of Venice. Between romanticism and seduction, with its sinuous and elegant line, the delicate and silent gait, it has the power to make those with love in their hearts dream. Discover all the jewels inspired by the Veneto region and the Italian cultural symbols, and choose your favorites. Gioielli DOP is an authentic expression of Italian creativity and know-how. All the jewels are 100% Made in Italy, handmade according to traditional craftsmanship by Tuscan goldsmiths.

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