Ankorstore /  Braccialetti & Cavigliere /  Gioielli dop /  Mini Fuchsia Cotton Cord Bracelet with Mini Chili Pepper Charm in Sterling Silver and Fuchsia Enamel
Mini Fuchsia Cotton Cord Bracelet with Mini Chili Pepper Charm in Sterling Silver and Fuchsia Enamel
Gioielli dop

Mini Fuchsia Cotton Cord Bracelet with Mini Chili Pepper Charm in Sterling Silver and Fuchsia Enamel

The Mini Fuchsia Cotton Cord Bracelet with Mini Fuchsia Chili Pepper Charm represents a perfect combination of the spicy and the charming! Not everyone knows about its benefits: anti-inflammatory, activates digestion and is antidepressant. Mainly used as a spice, fresh or dry, it is a valid health ally, it gives energy and good mood. Good luck ingredient, it defends against bad influences and bad luck, if brought with you. Furthermore, Cotton Cording to the most superstitious, it must be given! The fuchsia color is synonymous with Cotton Cordiality and an emblem of inner grace, typical of a strong personality and showy elegance, between patience and gracefulness. The particular shade derives from the flower of the homonymous plant and is associated with optimism and dynamism, self-affirmation and perseverance in realizing ones ambitions. Let the spirit emerge with creativity, independence and kindness. Discover the Chili Peppers Collection, all the lucky jewels and choose your favorites. Gioielli DOP is an authentic expression of Italian creativity and know-how. All the jewels are 100% Made in Italy, handmade according to traditional craftsmanship by Tuscan goldsmiths.

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