Ankorstore /  Abbigliamento donna /  iellele /  Knit Striped Maxi Dress
Knit Striped Maxi Dress

Knit Striped Maxi Dress

Introducing our Knit Striped Maxi Dress, crafted from ultra-stretchy striped fabric that combines exceptional softness with resilience. Accented with sleek metallic zippers, this innovative design offers three unique ways to style it, making it a wardrobe essential for any occasion. Just like the modern woman, this dress celebrates versatility, elegance, and strength, empowering you to showcase your multifaceted beauty. Perfect for day-to-night transitions, this piece is as dynamic as you are. Composition: Cotton 22% Rayon 11.8% Polyester 63.1% Spandex 3.1

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