Ankorstore /  Ipure


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Minimo 100 €

Tutti i brand in un unico check-out minimo di 300,00 € e sempre con spedizione gratuita

  • Fondata nel 1985
Since 1950 Italart has been producing successful perfumes sold all over the world in Parma for the quality of the raw materials and the exclusivity of the formulations. From our experience in the creation of Made in Italy perfumes, the iPure® brand was born in 2020 with the aim of proposing fragrances for the environment and clothing that meet the needs of consumers who are more attentive to the quality of raw materials, to the innovation of formulas and above all to the hygiene of the home and work environments. iPure® is a modern brand that offers fashionable fragrances, formulated in an innovative way to give the maximum of the olfactory experience and purifying safety.
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