With 75% alcohol and chlorhexidine, with a very quick and fragrant sanitizing action. Sanitizing spray for surfaces allows hygiene of all treated surfaces. Ideal in the office or home for tables, chairs, mice, telephones, pens, doorknobs, toilet seats, etc. The particular formula with degreasing power makes an unfavorable environment for microorganisms to take root, leading to a substantial reduction. How to use: spray directly on the surfaces, wipe with a clean cloth and let dry. No need to rinse. To clean electrical appliances, spray the product on a cloth. Do not spray directly on hot and valuable surfaces. Do not use the product in excessive quantities or for improper applications. Hazard statements: Extremely flammable aerosol. Pressurized container: May burst if heated. Causes serious eye irritation. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly for several minutes. Keep out of reach of children.