Ankorstore /  Accessori uomo /  Officina Naturae /  Shower Glove CO.SO. Saver
Shower Glove CO.SO. Saver
Officina Naturae

Shower Glove CO.SO. Saver

Between you and the solid cosmetics of the CO.SO. it was love from the first use but ... after a long time they started to break down into small pieces and you can no longer hold them in your hands. You don't want to throw them away, do you? Don't panic! We have also thought about this, just for you who want to reduce waste as much as possible. The Shower Glove Saves CO.SO. will solve this problem for you. It is a practical bag in natural hemp, in which you can enclose the leftovers of solid cosmetics, to use them again while you are in the shower: the practical strap allows you to use it easily as a glove. If you were looking for bags to carry CO.SO. with you outside the home, to protect them from dust and contact with other objects, this is ideal: the size of a Shower Glove (9.5 x 11 cm) perfectly contains one of your favorite solid cosmetics.

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