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Paul Collins' Beat CD - The Kids Are The Same

CD Beat di Paul Collins - The Kids Are The Same

The Kids Are the Same Artista Paul Collins' Beat Formato:CD / Album Etichetta:Culture Factory Numero di catalogo:850703003187 Codice a barre:0850703003187 Genere:Punk/New Wave Numero di dischi:1 Data di uscita:14 ott 2013 Peso:42g Dimensioni:135 x 5 x 135 (mm) Elenco tracce Disco 1 1That's What Life Is All About 2Dreaming 3On the Highway 4Will You Listen 5Crying Won't Help 6The Kids Are the Same 7Trapped 8It's Just a Matter of Time 9Met Her Yesterday 10I Will Say No

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