Ankorstore /  Cancelleria & Tempo libero /  The Rug Store

The Rug Store

Spedisce gli ordini entro 6 e 10 giorni

Minimo 100 €

Tutti i brand in un unico check-out minimo di 300,00 € e sempre con spedizione gratuita

  • Fondata nel 2020
Instagram the_rugstore
TheRugStore is a web platform for creating and marketing customized, artistic and design entrance and furnishing rugs. The values that distinguish our company are:
- Style, or rather personality. The Rug Store was born as a tool to express one's style. Each product and each activity of TRS reflects this value before any other, and is aimed at people who feel the need to express this value.
- Absolute originality. It applies to the style of communication, as well as to marketing activities, as well as to products. Never a banality, never something reminiscent of other stores, always surprise. Those who come into contact with TRS must immediately understand that what they find here will not be found in other stores.
- Prestige. TRS expresses itself in an authoritative tone, as it wants to be a status symbol. Those who choose a TRS rug want to immediately declare who they are, they want to "sign" their space, they want to "leave their mark". The environment is like a brochure and the TRS rug is the brand that is affixed to the cover.
- Quality. It is out of the question. A value so obvious that it must not prevail over others. However, it always shines through, just as it happens with high-end products, whose most obvious feature is aesthetics, but "under the hood" you perceive quality and safety at the highest levels.