Ankorstore /  BellaStoria Vegan

BellaStoria Vegan

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  • Fondata nel 2016
In love with shoes from an early age, I spent whole days walking in my dad's shoes, shoes 8 sizes larger than my size. And my course of study in Building Engineering has done nothing but accentuate this passion of mine. On the other hand, I don't find much difference between designing houses and designing shoes 🙂

I have always been very attentive to the environmental impact of all my actions, to energy saving, to sustainability, and since 2015, following the difficulty in finding Vegan footwear, I have started producing them. To produce them not in a predictable way, but with research and innovation.

And here are the first shoes made of Bamboo fiber, in Nettle ... don't worry, it doesn't pinch 😉 Hemp dyed with plant extracts and printed with Eucalyptus and Oak leaves, and today also with increasingly cruelty free and innovative materials such as Apple Leather, Cactus leather, Piñatex or Pineapple leather, Recycled Pet from plastic bottles, Biopolioli Corn, Cork and much more ...

I design, create and package every single shoe, carefully selecting the partner companies to collaborate with, both for the materials and for the packaging to be used.

With the shoes I make I would like to tell one

"Beautiful Story", a story of positive change in our way of life, a story that is aware and respectful of our animal friends and respectful of the environment that hosts us. A beautiful story that combines fashion and sustainability without cruelty