Ankorstore /  Vestiti & Calzature per bebè /  BellaStoria Vegan /  Bamboo MidCalf Sponge Socks
Bamboo MidCalf Sponge Socks
BellaStoria Vegan

Bamboo MidCalf Sponge Socks

Ideal wearing during sport, yoga, trekking and why not at home too. They are incredibly soft and breathable. The Bamboo fibre has a strong antibacterial and antifungal power. Now available with silver ions, increasingly antibacterial. It's highly absorbent, keeping your body drier, cooler and more comfortable. The result is a no-sweat/no-smell, very comfortable sock, cool in summertime and warm in wintertime! Bamboo is even ecologic, as it is 100% biodegradable and can be completely decomposed in the soil by microorganisms and sunlight.

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