Ankorstore /  Rocca dei Fiori

Rocca dei Fiori

Spedisce gli ordini entro 3 e 5 giorni

Minimo 100 €

Tutti i brand in un unico check-out minimo di 300,00 € e sempre con spedizione gratuita

  • Fondata nel 2003
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Ca dei Fiori srl is located in Rocca Corneta, at an altitude of 800 meters in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines on the border of the Corno alle Scale Natural Park, in the municipality of Lizzano in Bevedere (BO).
The company currently occupies 28 hectares of land, including woods, areas for spontaneous harvesting, fields cultivated with medicinal plants and hectares reserved for crop rotation.
During each cultivation cycle we carefully respect the cosmic cycles, we use specific and necessary preparations, we carry out manual harvesting.

The drying, obtained with a solar panel system, takes place with the utmost care at a controlled temperature to keep all the properties of the plant intact.

The dried herbs are then processed through specific machinery that separates, cleans and chops and finally the product is packaged in bags or glass jars.