Ankorstore /  Pasta e prodotti salati /  Lord Truffle /  Black Truffle Fondue - Cheese Cream with Black Summer Truffle
Black Truffle Fondue - Cheese Cream with Black Summer Truffle
Lord Truffle

Black Truffle Fondue - Cheese Cream with Black Summer Truffle

Cheese cream prepared according to Valle d'Aosta recipe and garnished with Black Summer Truffle. Enjoy this dish in cold winter evenings, in the fondue holder and with bread croutons or as a combination with fondue bourguignonne. It is Ideal for seasoning or whipping - egg pasta or gnocchi dishes - savory pies - roast meat dishes - vegetable omelet - porcini mushrooms It makes special all preparations where the creaminess of cheese is required, creating an authentic gourmet dish.

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