Ankorstore /  Olio, spezie e condimenti /  Lord Truffle /  Royal Truffle Sauce with White Truffle and Bianchetto Truffle
Royal Truffle Sauce with White Truffle and Bianchetto Truffle
Lord Truffle

Royal Truffle Sauce with White Truffle and Bianchetto Truffle

Royal Truffle Sauce is a tasty, delicate and mild cream cheese, enriched by the White Truffle and Bianchetto Truffle. It is excellent on classic Italian pasta dishes such as: - tagliatelle - tortelloni - gnocchi - risottos - meat dishes, such as stuffed turkey or grilled chicken - boiled eggs - omelets - scrambled eggs - bruschetta Also combine it with: - cold meats - cheeses for the Italian starter - sushi - fish and chips.

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