Ankorstore /  Olio, spezie e condimenti /  Lord Truffle /  Truffle Dust Condiment with Mix of Chocolate, Hazelnut and Underwood Notes
Truffle Dust Condiment with Mix of Chocolate, Hazelnut and Underwood Notes
Lord Truffle

Truffle Dust Condiment with Mix of Chocolate, Hazelnut and Underwood Notes

Truffle dust will gift your dishes with a sprinkling dash of elegance. It is a light and tasty condiment, infused with the highest amounts of the Black Summer Truffle. With its mix of chocolate, hazelnut and underwood notes, it is perfect on every dish: - pasta - meat - fish - eggs - vegetables - It is very easy to use: add a small amount to the finished dish to ensure an incredible culinary experience. It is the quintessence of Umami taste!

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