Ankorstore /  Cibo & Bevande /  Olio Mancino

Olio Mancino

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Minimo 100 €

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  • Fondata nel 1997
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To produce a good EVOO, dedication, love for the territory, knowledge and experience are absolutely necessary. Nobody can improvise themselves olive oil producers. The Mancino family -today at the fourth generation of olive oil producers- has always dedicated itself to what can be properly defined a form of art, exporting its precious family oil, solely obtained from local olive varieties and accurately packed, with exclusive and trendy style. Every single stage of the production takes place at the company, so as to guarantee authenticity, attention to detail and respect of traditional values, without compromise.
We produce Extra Virgin Olive Oil (blend, Monocultivars, Organic and P.G.I. certified) and Condiments made of EVOO with Citrus fruits and herbs, 100% cultivated in Italy. No flavor or essence added to the oil, but only real citrus fruits and herbs milled with our olives.
Classy and exclusive packaging: attractive glass bottles, fancy tins and gift boxes are designed to reach people who are searching for something original, prestigious and trendy.

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